In September 2016 we undertook a bioengineering project in collaboration with the Alberta Government's Backcountry Trails Flood Rehabilitation Team (BTFR) at the location of a new bridge on Meadow Creek.
Meadow Creek is home to some of the few remaining Westslope Cutthroat Trout populations in Alberta. These fish thrive in cold and clean water. They are sensitive to sediment being washed into streams.
A big Thank You to all the volunteers who came out on a beautiful Saturday to plant the willows! Thank you also to the Land Stewardship Centre, who generously funded this project to help to improve water quality and fish habitat in the Ghost.
Bio-engineering project 2016 photos
Photos of the site taken in 2019: Willows are growing!
Photos of the site taken by Jon Berlie (Burly Creations) in 2022: The site has recovered very well!