We started this restoration site along Waiparous Creek in 2022. The site is designated as G17-2 by Trout Unlimited Canada's inventory of impacted riparian areas in the watershed. Waiparous Creek is home to some of the last populations of Westslope Cutthroat Trout in Alberta. The restoration site has previously been used by recreational users to access the stream by vehicle, which resulted in the loss of riparian vegetation and excessive amounts of sediment running off the adjacent Forestry Trunk Road into the stream.
Thanks to the support of our partner organization, Trout Unlimited Canada, the site was de-compacted with heavy equipment to be ready to be planted with willows and poplars. These pioneering plants will kickstart the restoration process. Volunteers plant these stakes with hand-tools only.
A big Thank You to all the volunteers who came out on a beautiful Saturday to plant willow and poplar stakes on October 1st, our first field day on this site! On October 15th, we undertook a second field day as part of the 2-day bio-engineering workshop.
Many thanks also to the Alberta Conservation Association, Alberta Ecotrust Foundation, Trout Unlimited Canada, Cows and Fish and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (Habitat Stewardship Program for Aquatic Species at Risk) for their support of this project, its on-going maintenance and monitoring.
Photo credits: M. Krainer
Bio-engineering 2022
Copyright Ghost Watershed Alliance Society 2024.
October 15, 2022 field day: With a large enthusistic group of volunteers we worked on the west side of the bridge. Please see the photos below.
October 1, 2022 field day: With the help of our volunteers we worked on the east side of the bridge kickstarting the process of natural restoration using willow and balsam poplar stakes harvested not far from the site.
Please see the photos below.